Resident Research Awards

1985 - Present
Award Recipients
Brian Fry, MD, MS
University of Michigan
Long-term Outcomes Following Open, Laparoscopic, and Robotic-assisted Ventral Hernia Repair
William James Melvin, MD
University of Michigan
Coronavirus Induces Diabetic Macrophage-Mediated Inflammation via IFNb Regulation of SETDB2
Zachary Senders
University Hospitals, Cleveland Medical Center
Improved Therapeutic Efficacy of T-Cells Derived from Human Pancreatic Cancer Draining Lymph Nodes in Combination with Immune Modulators in a Xenograft Model of Metastatic Human Pancreatic Cancer
Joseph T. Church, M.D.
University of Michigan
The Artificial Placenta: Does Lung Development Continue during Extracorporeal Support?
Priya Dedhia, M.D.
University of Michigan
Generation of Functional Insulin-Producing Cells from Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Human Intestinal Tissue
Farokh Demehri, M.D.
University of Michigan
Development of a Clinically Applicable Fully Endoluminal Small Bowel Device for Intestinal Lengthening
Stefan W. Leichtle, M.D.
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Ann Arbor
A Randomized Trial of Pain Control with Continuous Wound Catheters Versus Epidural Analgesia in Colorectal Surgery
Christodoulos Kaoutzanis, M.D.
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Ann Arbor
Postoperative Surgical Site Infections after Incisional Ventral Hernia Repair - A Propensity Matched Comparison of Open and Laparoscopic Techniques
Whalen Clark, M.D.
Moffitt Cancer Center
MiR-675 Overexpression in AFP-secreting HCC
Erica R. Gross, M.D.
Morgan Stanley's Children's Hospital
Columbia University
The Serotonin Re-Uptake Transporter Alters Intestinal Mucosal Architecture in Mice
Amir A. Ghaferi, M.D., M.S.
University of Michigan
Hospital Characteristics Associated with Failure to Rescure in High Risk Surgery
L. Marco Hoesel, M.D.
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Ann Arbor
Improving Outcomes in Sepsis by Implementation of a Sepsis Initiative
Rachit D. Shah, M.D.
William Beaumont Hospital
Ketone Resuscitation Improves Cardiac Contractility After Hemorrhagic Shock In A Swine Model
Zulfiqar Cheema, M.D.
William Beaumont Hospital
Platelet Function Normalizes Sooner Than Expected Following Discontinuation of Chronic Clopidogrel or Aspirin Prophylaxis
Nabil Tariq, M.D.
William Beaumont Hospital, Wayne State University
Ketone Resuscitation Improves Survival and Decreases Ischemic Reperfusion (I/R) Injury in the Intestine after Hemorrhagic Shock in a Rat Model
Erika A. Newman, M.D.
University of Michigan
Breast Cancer Management Changes Resulting from Case Review at a Comprehensive Cancer Center
Raul A. Cortes, M.D.
University of California San Francisco
Survival of Severe Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia has Morbid Consequences
Erin Rowell, M.D.
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
Induction of Angiogenesis by a Truncated Recominant PAI-l Protein
Alicia Terando, M.D.
University of Michigan
Enhancement of Human Dendirtic Cell-Based Tumor Vaccines through Chemokine Gene Modification
Timothy Pawlik, M.D., MPH
University of Michigan
An Oncolytic Herpes Virus Selectively Destroys Colon Carcinoma
Steven R. Posner, M.D.
University of Michigan
High Pressure Ventilation Injury Results in Increased Lung Cytokine Production
William Lynch, M.D.
University of Michigan
Partial Respiratory Supoprt with an Artifical Lung Perfused by the Right Ventricle: Chronic Studies in an Active Animal Model
Samir S. Awad, M.D.
University of Michigan
Evaluation of an Extracorporeal Liver Assist Device Utilizing Selective Hemodiafiltration in an Animal Model of Hepatic Failure
Steven J. Hughes, M.D.
University of Michigan
Loss of Expression of the Apoptosis Mediating Protein FAS in Esophageal Adenocarcinoma
Paul G. Gauger, M.D.
University of Michigan
Perfluorocarbon Partial Liquid Ventilation Improves Gas Exchange While Increasing Diminished Functional Residual Capacity in an Animal Model of Acute Lung Injury
Siddharth Bass, M.D.
University of South Florida
Fluconazole Increases Bactericidal Activity of Neotrophils
Gregg A. Adams, M.D.
Stanford University
Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (1GF-1) Enhances Reversal of Diabetes by Fetal Pancreas Isografts (FP)
Richard N. Tooley, M.D.
SJMH, Ann Arbor
University of Michigan
Perfluorocarbon Ventilation Improves Alveolar Recruitment and Pulmonary Compliance in the Setting of Atelectasis
Diane M. Simeone, M.D.
University of Michigan
Dual Pathways Regulate Neurite Outgrowth in Enteric Neurons
Joseph L. Lelli, Jr., M.D.
SJMH, Ann Arbor
University of Michigan
Hypoxia-Induced Bacterial Translocation in the Puppy
William F. Marterre, Jr., M.D.
University of Kentucky
31p NMR Spectroscopy in Transient Warm Hepatic Ischemia Following Glucocortoid Administration
Lisa Colletti, M.D.
University of Michigan
The Role of TNF in the Pathophysiologic Alterations Following Hepatic Ischemia/Reperfusion
David Staab, M.D.
Victor Sorenson, M.D.
Henry Ford Hospital
Hypothermia Induced Blood Coagulopathy in Pigs
Scott Stevens, M.D.
University of Tennessee
Factors Affecting Rapid Fluid Resuscitation with Large-Bore Catheter Introducers
William R. Fry, M.D.
University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas
Myocardia and Serum Calcium Flux During Hemorrhagic Shock and Resuscitation: Effects of Cardiovascular Performance
Grace Rozycki, M.D.
University of Tennessee
Cardiopulmonary Effects of the Pneumatic Anti-Schock Garment (PASG) on Swine with Diaphragmatic Hernia
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