2021 Welcome Letter

JULY 28, 2021
Coller Society friends -
The local arrangements committee want to make sure you have information on the upcoming Coller Society meeting.
Like many other organizations, this year we will be holding our meeting virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Nonetheless, we are working to deliver a program of lectures and academic presentations consistent with previous years. The program committee is currently working on the specific agenda.
The meeting will take place over two days. We have planned for classes to reconnect with each other over lunch to enable members to re-connect and socialize.
We will have a spouse’s lecture on Friday at noon, featuring a guest speaker to be determined.
The Council meeting will be held on September 30th from 3pm to 5pm.
In summary, this program pulls together the important elements agreed upon by previous council deliberations. Most importantly, we will connect with each other and continue the traditions of the society, despite the challenging year we've all had. We look forward to connecting with younger potential Coller members, and demonstrating to them what a great group we have. Despite the challenges of in-person meetings, we are optimistic that advances in virtual formats will enable us to remain connected and reach a broader audience than we have in the past with in-person events. We hope this will translate into increased membership and involvement, one of our primary goals.
Registration is now open at
See you on Zoom!
Nick Osborne and Ken Woodside